
Congratulations to our fourth year undergraduate project students!

We would like to congratulate our fourth year undergraduate project students for the year 2018-2019 on the successful defense of their project theses. We wish Andrew, Stephen, and Dáirine the best of luck in their exams and look forward to welcoming Dáirine back to our group in September to begin her PhD studies with us!

Fourth year project students 2018-2019: Andrew, Stephen, Dáirine

CSCB Symposium XVII

The CSCB Symposium- ‘Recent Advances in Synthesis and Chemical Biology XVII’ took place on Friday 7th of December in RSCI. Brilliant talks were delivered by Professor Jonathan Nitschke (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom), Professor Chris Braddock (Imperial College London, United Kingdom), Professor Kevin Booker-Milburn (University of Bristol, United Kingdom), Professor Ed Tate (Imperial College London, United Kingdom) and Professor Helma Wennemers (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) . Well done to all the group members who presented posters, and congratulations to the attending PhD students who won poster prizes. Thanks to all involved in the organisation of the day.

Postdoctoral position available

We are currently accepting applications for a Government of Ireland postdoctoral fellowship within our group. The IRC application deadline is November 29th 2018. Applicants should email Professor Guiry ( directly with a cover letter and an up-to-date CV in .doc or .pdf format only.