
ESOC 2015

The 19th European Symposium of Organic Chemistry took place from the 12th to the 16th of July at the Universidade de Lisboa and was attended by Chris Nottingham, Catherine Tighe, Mark Jackson, Dr. Ramu Akula and Prof. Pat Guiry. There was a great line up of talks across the five days and a very enjoyable conference dinner. As the incoming President of ESOC, Pat announced that the next symposium will take place in Cologne (2017). Big congratulations to Chris Nottingham who was awarded the ESOC poster prize!


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67th Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium

The 67th Irish Universities Chemistry Research Colloquium took place at Maynooth University on the 25-26th of June. As always the colloquium highlighted the outstanding research being conducted by the best and brightest of Ireland’s young chemists at third level institutions across Ireland. A brilliant time was had by all students from the group who attended. Well done to Catherine Tighe for her poster presentation and to Chris Nottingham for his excellent oral presentation.

Third Year Talks

Well done the third year PhD students Chris Nottingham, Denise Moran, Catherine Tighe and Mark Jackson who all presented their research at the Dublin Chemistry Third Year Talks Day on the 3rd of June. Congratulations to Catherine and Denise who were both awarded prizes for their presentations.

40th Annual ICI Congress

The 40th Annual Congress of the Institute of Chemistry Ireland- ‘Modern Approaches to Asymmetric Synthesis’ took place on the 30th of April here in UCD. Well done to Chris Nottingham, Denise Moran, Catherine Tighe and Mark Jackson who presented  posters. Particular congratulations to Pat for delivering a great presentation on the day and to Catherine Tighe who received a prize for her poster


ICI Congress- speakers ICI Congress Catherine poster winner

Goodbye Dr. Jesus Iglesias

Goodbye to Dr. Jesus Iglesias from Gadea Pharmaceutical Group (Valladolid, Spain) who spent three months working here as part of the Marie-Curie Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships grant award. Catherine Tighe spent the summer working on this project out in Spain, and Denise Moran looks forward to her placement next summer. We hope you enjoyed your time with us, come back and visit anytime!


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